

1675 Uppsatser om Building permit - Sida 1 av 112

Jämförelse mellan gamla PBL och nya PBL : Med fokus på bygglovets överklagande och möjlighet att vinna laga kraft

This thesis provides a comparison of the old Planning and Building act (PBA) from 1987 with the new PBA, which entered into force in May 2011. The essay consists of a descriptive part that presents the regulation of both laws. The new PBA consists of several differences compared to previous regulation. This thesis will, however, primarily be centred around the regulation regarding Building permit appeals and the possibility of Building permit, to gain legal force.In the old PBL, there were no regulations that result in a Building permit decision could be made effective. Instead, a Building permit could, long after the decision had been made, be over-challenged.

Överklagande och dess roll inom bostadsbyggandet : En granskning av plan- och bygglovsprocessen

The aim of this diploma work was to obtain a review of the appeal process in Sweden under the Planning and Building Act and the possibilities of appeal in the planning and Building permit process. The work was intended to identify potential problems surrounding the appeal process and possible efficiency measures. The goal was to form a report that provides a satisfactory overview of the appeal process in theory and practical application as well as provide relevant concrete proposals on how the appeal process can be streamlined.Background and facts surrounding the work were taken from different types of literature and through several interviews with representatives in government, industry and politicians.The main problems related to the appeal process are in the long processing times and the high number of appeals. There is a great interest to streamline the appeals process and the government is going to launch studies in which possible future actions will be investigated.It is possible to appeal for up to two instances before you need a so called ?leave to appeal? in order for your complaint to be passed on to the next instance.

Bevarandevärt i domstolsprövning ? plan- och bygglagens egentliga skydd ur bebyggelseantikvarisk synvinkel

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:20.

Effektivisering av bygglovsprocessen. En kundundersökning i Göteborg

Bygglovsprocessen är en vital del i den totala byggprocessen eftersom ett bygglov är nödvändigt i nästan alla fall av nybyggnation och större renoveringar. I dagens samhälle där byggprocessen är under utveckling och allt större tidspress finns så är bygglovsprocessen ofta en flaskhals innan bygget kan påbörjas. Därför behöver bygglovsprocessen utvecklas för att bli effektivare.Syftet med denna undersökning att utreda vad tidigare kunder hos Stadsbyggnadskontoret (SBK) Göteborg anser om bygglovshanteringen. Utifrån de resultat som erhålls presenteras vilka delar i bygglovsprocessen som kan förbättras och effektiviseras. Dessutom ges förslag på förändringar för att uppnå detta.Kundundersökningen genomfördes med en enkät som skickades ut via e-post till kunder som fått godkänt bygglov i februari 2014.

SANNINGENS ÖGONBLICK En komparativ undersökning av ett stadsbiblioteks och en byggvaruhandels arbete med att möta sina besökare

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how a Swedish public library approaches their costumers. I will show how a library interacts with their costumers compared to a business, which has a different economic work frame, a building materials supplier. My aim is to pinpoint differences and explore new methods for the library in order to improve their service.The theoretical frame of the thesis is based on Richard Norman's notion the Moment of truth. The moment of truth is the moment when a business has to convince their customer that they offer both the product, proficiency and service that the customer needs. Service encounters at two organizations have been observed and their differences and similarities compared.

Kontroll för ökad kvalitet - mallar för kontrollplan-PBL, egenkontroll samt riskanalys

There are problems with poor quality, poor scheduling and poor working climate in the Swedish construction industry. Many parts have been involved, trying to solve the problem.This spring a new planning and building-law becomes final. In this law, the requirements set on the controls are greater. Hopefully this will lead to fewer construction errors. The requirements set on the working environment have also increased, forcing consultants and contractors to focus on safe workplaces.For each project requiring a Building permit, an inspection plan has to been drawn.

ISO 9000 och dess funktion i byggbranschen

The purpose with this examination task is to investigate what purchasers and building contractors think of ISO 9000 and the function of it within the building trade.In this material both the purchaser´s and the building contractor´s viewpoints and attitude towards ISO 9000 is being object to an investigation, in order to get a just picture of the function of the quality work within the building trade. The general opinion of ISO 9000 has proven to be positive. During the work with this investigation it appeared that nosystem is that good that it can´t be improved. A widely spread opinion is also that ISO 9000 means a lot of paperwork but also that the certified companies are well organized. Above all the majority demands a standard that is more adjusted to the building trade..

Det dubbla uppdraget: relationen mellan INGO och staten i Vietnam

Due to the political system in Vietnam, all organizations in Vietnam need a permit to operate in the country and consequently, have to balance their mission, their main purpose of being in the country, with the fact that they are dependant on the government to give them the permit they need to stay in the country.With this as our basis, the main focus of this essay has been to identify different types of relations that exist between the Vietnamese state and International Non Governmental Organisations (INGOs) in Vietnam. Since we have interviewed people representing INGOs, our result is based on their experience of this relationship. By using Najam's Four-C's Model, we established that the more traditional INGOs which principally provide services, predominantly have a cooperative relationship with the state, whereas radical INGOs which are committed to policy change, mostly have a relationship which is characterised by conflict..

Ändrad användning av stationshus : fallet Ormaryds station ? ett stationshus med betydande kulturvärden

Acquiring a former station building can mean that the property owners must familiarize themselves with a lot of planning and building regulations. After the new Planning and Building Act code into force in 2011, the responsibility lie on the developer to ensure laws and regulations. Based on the regulatory framework that is available occurs sometimes balance issues, between care requirements and building codes. The station building in Ormaryd was acquired in 2009 by two individuals who intended to accommodate office and retail space in the building. In doing so a new local plan of the area was established, including regulations on how the building could be used. By including road safety and noise, the risk was not considered appropriate to use the station building for housing.

Uppnå användaracceptans genom interaktionsdesign : med CRM-system som applikationsomåde

The purpose of the study was to investigate the use and losses of energy in an existing older building. Another purpose was also to look through various options for heating systems with renewable energy in the building. The aim was to reduce the use and losses of energy. The first step was to study the related electricity bills of the building and also perform measurements and calculations of the building envelope and ventilation. The next step was to find out the possible actions for energy saving by performing measurements and calculations.

Gynnar eller motverkar kommunerna kostnadseffektiv miljöstyrning : en studie av kommunala taxor och avgifter

Local charges may induce people to change their pattern of consumption by influencing investments and acts in certain directions. Some charges could for example give people incentives to use less natural resources. This study investigates four different local charges and whether they benefit an economical management with natural resources or not. This is carried out by investigating whether there is a polarity between local charges that may influence environmental actions or goods, and effective pollution control set to achieve certain nationally determined environmental goals. The study includes two economic perspectives and investigates on the one hand whether local charges counteract governmental subsidies and on the other hand whether the charges vary between the different municipalities since large differences may lead to cost inefficiency.

Urban building vid Hornsbruksgatan

Urban building vid HornsbruksgatanProjektet handlar om att aktivera bergsbranten längs Hornsbruksgatan på Södermalm i Stockholm och samtidigt skapa en länk mellan gatan och Högalidsparken utan att isolera dem ytterligare från varandra.Det är ett förslag på en Urban building, en city building, med både privata och publika ytor. Den innehåller bostäder, lokaler för uthyrning till kontor, butiker och restauranger samt uterum och parkeringsplatser.Byggnaden har sin framsida mot gatan och ljus släpps in enbart från ett håll. Projektet är ett försök att skapa kvalitativa bostäder och utrymmen under rådande förutsättningar vad gäller ljus, rymd och avskildhet. .

Varumärkesbyggande i kreativa näringar: en fallstudie på festivaler

The purpose of this thesis was to illuminate how festivals are building their brand. We aimed to investigate how festivals build their brand equity and how they use their web site as a brand-building tool. In order to understand the brand-building process within festivals, a case study was conducted based on interviews with three respondents from three different festivals. The study has shown that festivals are aware that the brand constitutes an important competitive advantage. They use both online and offline marketing tools in their brand building process.

Industriell produktion av loggia - en studie om loggiarum som alternativ till inglasad balkong

AbstractIntense competition in the building industry has forced building companies to develop highly efficient and optimised building solutions. This project, with a loggia that works both as an extended living room and a glazed balcony offers a highly economic viable alternative to standard balconies. This alternative is likely to attract build master since the area of the loggia will be part of the apartment area, i.e. included in the area for rent..

En byggnads energibehov : En studie om energieffektivisering av en befintlig byggnad i södra Sverige

The purpose of the study was to investigate the use and losses of energy in an existing older building. Another purpose was also to look through various options for heating systems with renewable energy in the building. The aim was to reduce the use and losses of energy. The first step was to study the related electricity bills of the building and also perform measurements and calculations of the building envelope and ventilation. The next step was to find out the possible actions for energy saving by performing measurements and calculations.

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